Thursday, December 26, 2019

Lyme Disease A Dangerous Disease - 1672 Words

Lyme disease is a very dangerous disease that is rapidly increasing in occurrence and if left untreated can cause both mental and physical effects on a person. However, with proper and early treatment the symptoms generally go away and the infected person generally lives a happy and healthy life. Lyme Disease is important to study and be aware of because it is increasingly occurring and spreading to other parts of the world where before it never existed. Thus, there needs to either be a way to stop the spread or develop more preventative treatment in order to keep the amount of people infected with it down. As an Emergency Medical Technician and a future nurse, it is helpful to know more about Lyme disease. Also, I have had many dogs that have had Lyme disease and also a friend, so I was sort of familiar with the disease. Therefore, I chose to research this disease. Lyme disease, another name for Lyme borreliosis, is the most common vector- borne disease in the northern hemisphere and still continues to increase in occurrence (Pearson). In almost all instances, the bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, is transmitted to humans through a tick bite (Pearson). Ticks are blood-sucking anthropods that are small and they survive in urban parks and gardens where there is enough humidity and shade to prevent them from drying out (Pearson). Ticks are most active in the months between April and October, but in warmer areas they may be active throughout the entire year (Pearson). LymeShow MoreRelatedThe Treatment And Prevention Of Lyme Disease1335 Words   |  6 PagesThe Treatment and Prevention of Lyme Disease This document will provide in-depth research on the treatment and prevention of Lyme disease. Lyme disease is explained by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015) as being â€Å"caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks† (What is bacteria? Section, para. 1). As explained, Lyme disease is spread through vector-borne transmissions. A vector-borne transmission is theRead MorePathogens Essay1149 Words   |  5 Pagesenvironment. Pathogens come in a wide variety. The types are fungal, bacterial, viral, and other parasites. All pathogens can be dangerous, but two of them are more dangerous. These two types that more dangerous are fungal and bacterial. While both fungal and bacterial pathogens cause illness, they differ in the way they are transmitted, the way they are treated, and the diseases they cause. First, the way fungal and bacterial pathogens are transmitted is different. Most fungal pathogensRead MoreLyme Disease And The United States1307 Words   |  6 PagesLyme Disease in Alabama Introduction In 2010 there were 2 confirmed cases of Lyme disease in Alabama, which continued to rise until 2014 with the last reported number of 64 confirmed cases for that year alone. In September 2015 the Centers for Disease Control revised their estimates indicating that it is believed that there were more than 10 times more cases in the United States than the 30,000 reported. Lyme disease is the fastest growing transmittable disease in the United States. It is hardRead MoreIs $ Lyme Game $?1122 Words   |  5 Pages$Lyme Game$ â€Å"Chronic or persistent Lyme disease occurs if a patient who is treated with antibiotic therapy for the disease continues to experience symptoms† (Giorgi, â€Å"Chronic (Persistent) Lyme Disease†). However, according to the Infectious Disease Society of America s, (IDSA),1 guidelines, â€Å"no convincing biologic evidence† exists that chronic Lyme infections can remain in patients bodies after standard treatment (Wormser, et al., â€Å"The Clinical Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Lyme DiseaseRead MoreStray Animals And Cats And Dogs987 Words   |  4 Pagesthe number of stray animals and keeping them healthy(CDC). One of the reasons there are stray animals in Baton Rouge is they are allowed to roam the streets. When they are allowed to roam they pick up Zoonotics disease. According to the Center For Disease Control Zoonotics diseases can be transmitted to people from animals. Others like rabies and leptosptrosis are also commonly spread by animals that are not cared for properly(CDC). For example, the larvae of a roundworm will dig into the skinRead MorePet Pets And Pet Owner1520 Words   |  7 Pagestroublesome, and expensive as caring for a child. But it is just as rewarding and for those of us who don t have kids, our pets become our family. Just as we get our children vaccinated against common diseases, we should also get vaccinations for our pets, vaccinations that can protect them from dangerous and sometimes deadly diseases.Recently during a trip to my vet to have my dog sasha treated for a calcium deficiency, he informed me about updated recommendations on vaccinations and exams that areRead MoreCase Studies1488 Words   |  6 Pagesinfection. Case 1.2 1. Lyme disease caused by the Borrelia burgorferi bacteria. This type of bacteria is not classified as either gram-negative or positive but because of the spirochetes doublemembrane envelope the organism is often classified gram-negative. 2. The client most likely acquired her infection through the bite of an infected tick while at summer camp. 3. The diagnosis would have most likely been different if the camp was located in Arizona because Lyme disease does not occur nationwideRead MoreAnalysis : Kiss The Bugs Goodbye ! 1336 Words   |  6 Pagesprone to a bite than others—you ll likely stop at nothing to keep them away, harsh chemicals and all. A survey of 2011 U.S. adults found that almost 75% are more concerned with the many diseases transported by mosquitoes and ticks, like Lyme disease, West Nile Virus and chikungunya, than with potentially dangerous chemicals in their bug spray. But a new invest igation by the product-testing group finds that you have more natural options that are even more effective. In Consumer Reports’ entire historyRead MoreAir Pollution - The Causes and Effect1116 Words   |  5 Pagescontributing to asthma, emphysema, heart disease, and other potentially lethal conditions. Managing air pollution causes, and defending successful safeguards like the Clean Air Act, is critical to the human, economic, and environmental health of our communities. America’s power plants are our biggest industrial polluters. Each year they pump more than two billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air. Carbon pollution is causing climate change that drives dangerous heat waves and worsening smog pollutionRead MoreThe Effects of Industrial Pollution887 Words   |  4 Pagesincludes on humans is an increase of many diseases, which include, Lyme disease, plague, and cholera. (causes and effects of industrial pollution) Industrial Pollution it has an effect on the wildlife gives many animals that live in the arctic fewer hunting opportunities and there will be an increase of shortage in food. As population size is decreasing, sea platforms are moving further apart and the swimming conditions are becoming more dangerous. (Polar Bears have the highest level of toxics

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Role of Internal Audit in Prevention of Fraud in...

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content Abstract CHAPTER ONE 1. Background of the Study 2. Statement of Problem 3. Research Objectives 4. Significance of Study 5. Scope and Limitation of the Study CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Introduction 2. Types of Bank Frauds 3. Causes of Fraud 4. Effects of Fraud on Banks 5. Internal Audit function 6. Fraud and Internal Audit 7. Fraud Prevention 1. General Measures 2. Specific Preventive Measures 8. Elements of Fraud Auditing 9. Measures of Controlling Fraud in Banks 10. Statement of Internal Audit Standard No. 3 2.10.1 Deterrence of Fraud CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology 1. Area of Study 2.†¦show more content†¦A fraud may occur when an innocent error or mistake, that has not been identified, is taken advantage of by a fraudster. The increase in criminal activities has led to money laundering fears in banks and other financial institutions. By its very nature fraud is a clandestine operation. Perpetrators of frauds do not advertise their activities or their methods. There is also the perception -that fraud is a victimless crime; that banks can well afford the losses. The extent of fraudulent activity worldwide is unknown but is perceived to be on the increase. This nefarious activity could lead and has actually led to crisis in and the collapse of many financial institutions worldwide. The demise of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) London is a very good example. The increasing wave of fraudulent activities in financial institutions poses a threat to their stability and survival if it is not arrested. Fraud is a business risk which may result in financial loss to banks and their customers, loss of confidence in financial institutions, depletion of shareholders funds and capital base. Failures of internal control have almost always been identified as a main contributing factor to many catastrophic bank failures. Therefore, it is the responsibility of management to put in place systems and processes that will prevent and detect fraud within the banks. Internal auditors can assist them in this

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Business Operation in a Restaurant

Question: Write a well presented report for the above outlining the business operation. Provide three recommendations that are well substantiated with journal literature and referenced correctly. (You may use the reasons/justifications above or use your own that supports this change). Answer: A general business operation in a restaurant industry involves cuisine prepared according to the customer needs, delivery, dining facilities, food quality, time taken for delivery and allover customer experience is taken care off. According to Grub Hub , an online company famous for food ordering states that the restaurants which uses the online-ordering service were able to properly grow their online ordered takeout revenue after using this by an average of 30%. However, according to this survey sometimes, one in five doubled their takeout revenue. Its well documented that there is a correlation between ease of implementing online ordering and changing consumer behavior. Because of being digitally accessible nowadays is more important than ever for restaurant success. As per GlobalWebIndex report, nowadays consumers are spending time online more than six hours a day. Because of this it's of no point of discussion that theNational Restaurant Association, 2015 reported that the availa bility of technology and various other options is an important factor for consumers while choosing a restaurant. This can be ascertained that for nearly one-third of all adults this can be considered(Arrigo, 2012). Above some reasons are some of the reasons which clarifies and gives substantial proof why being digitally accessible is important and critical for reaching out to these potential customers. Nowadays, even if a restaurant is present right around the corner, generally it's virtually invisible to people in case it's not easy to access online. In the era of busy schedules its very important for consumers to have more convenience and lets consider that its just one of the many benefits to online-ordering. According to Grub Hubs study, if technology was able to show that the complete order-processing time can be decreased by more than half, this might provide huge benefit to restaurants' finance and internal operations. Some random research shows that about 75% of orders placed on phone take more than a couple of minutes, and about 30% of the orders take longer than three to five minutes. Once we added and analyzed every 100 takeout orders received in each week, its actually saved the res taurants approximately 2.5 hours of workers time and hence considerably increasing revenues within same working hours. With customers entering their own information, online ordering can also improve accuracy(Brondoni, 2015). The restaurants showing the biggest benefit after moving to online ordering were smaller ones as they typically saw a sharp 50% increase in their takeout revenue. The number of opportunities for a customer to get the services can be drastically increased by introducing online ordering and the touch points for consumers can be increased drastically. Steps one can follow to increase number of orders and satisfied customers: Launch portals and apps for Online Ordering Updated and properly categorized menu with something for all. Give combination and customization options. Offer complete and timely deliveries. Lower prices ,discounts with various offers(Ciampi, 2007) The innovation of web requesting, while imperative, isn't really the worth which is included. Or maybe, it includes esteem by expanding the quantity of requests and clients that interface with an eatery. At first when the initial step is finished, there are heaps of improvements and enhancements that can occur. Time squares with cash in any business and it's entirely essential to deal with the field workforce here in this focused environment which can be confused. Opportune Deliveries and Efficient Drivers are complimentary to each other. It is hard to monitor every conveyance kid or driver and their whereabouts which thus brings about wastefulness and late conveyances(Corniani, 2002). Below are the ways by which a restaurant can optimize their revenues by increasing and regularize the number of orders: As cited by Harvard business review by Frances V. Fraie, Low delivery fee:Low delivery fee has a massive impact on the incoming number of people who will order from the restaurant. Generally, orders tend to tip more that have free delivery, so combined with a good or standard hourly based wage turns out to be better for drivers even if they aren't getting a standard/average fee per delivery. Also, according to small business review by Molly Thompson, correct Delivery boundaries: The periphery should bebig enough to cover and locate all the major areas or hot spots to easily operate consumer activity and small enough to ensure an exceptional service experience and maintaining appropriate food temperatures. Again, according to foodwolf, Delivery hours: The delivery timings that match customer demand.The delivery hours are at their peak in the evening and least in the morning as most of the people opt for deliveries in the evening with families as they work in the morning(Gallagher, 200 1). The ways to improve the delivery are all dependent on the location, area, requirement, accessibility, preference, customer type, population density and time of the week. All these points attribute in making the appropriate combination of services and food type to give an extra special importance to the customers. Customers feedback and reviews should be well treated and should be given space for improvements. There is a need for continuous evaluation and improvements which can help in not only generating revenues but build a brand altogether. According to an article Improving Customer Service in daily chron , additional options to improve delivery options is by removing paper menus from the restaurant tables and bringing on the Tablets which can prove to be fastest way to place order directly which in turn can be redirected to the cooks and the servers. By this way the table turns at restaurantsincreases. Generally, innovative restaurant app allows diners to place order quickly and w ithout the need to wait for the waiters. This definitely will though and through improve the speed of taking orders at restaurants. Therefore, the restaurant apps/online ordering portals are extremely useful for restaurateurs that can help in growing the business(Negri Clementi, 2007). The online ordering can help the employee management system or the customer management system. Below are the three suggestions which might help in improving business service: Train representatives in powerful client service systems, not simply in the legitimately required nourishment taking care of and security methodology. Urge them to think as far as client consideration, which goes past fundamental administration. The consideration idea incorporates such straightforward strides as looking at clients without flinching, grinning at them and welcome them instantly, and also measures, for example, expecting their needs: refilling water glasses before they're vacant or bringing additional napkins for clients who request muddled finger sustenance, for instance. Timing is another part of client consideration. Serve beverages and canaps quickly, minimize the time amongst courses and don't gather up dishes before the client has had room schedule-wise to complete her dinner. Fortify with workers that the way they present and handle themselves considers the eatery all in all. Build up and implement clear arrangements about clothing, hair and cosmetics, for instance - perfect and clean are the watchwords here. Advise them that being easygoing and well-disposed doesn't mean being excessively acquainted with clients. Keeping in mind the trust it is from time to time important, your server staff needs to know how to react to issues or protestations. In the event that a client's steak isn't sufficiently cooked, take it back and have it cooked somewhat more. On the off chance that a dinner is deferred or a request overlooked, promptly get the chief required with the client to offer a free supper, another sustenance decision or some other approach to make it right(Panetti, 2007). Watch your server staff associations with the clients. Recognize both territories for potential change and parts of the occupation the representative is taking care of well. Follow up with him to give productive criticism on his execution and note particular changes you need him to join, for example, seating female clients or proposing suitable decisions for youthful benefactors when there is no kids' menu advertised. Guarantee that your workers know your menu all around ok to have the capacity to bring up proper options for the individuals who notice dietary limitations. Acclaim those workers who are stepping without being told, or who reliably draw in emphatically with their clients(Sciarelli, 2008). Execute approach or procedural changes to enhance administration taking into account particular client remarks or your perceptions. On the off chance that clients gripe about to what extent it takes for their server to take their underlying beverage request, set up a standard that a server must welcome recently situated clients and take their beverage orders inside five minutes of their being situated. On the off chance that one cafe in a gathering requests a hors d'oeuvre or plate of mixed greens as her primary course, give her the alternative of having it served when it's prepared or held until the others are served their dishes. Train representatives to ask guardians' consent before giving little kids wafers or inflatables, or offering them dessert. These are some of the sug estions which might help in administering good customer oriented practices and can therefore help in amplifying revenues. A restaurant always works ahead with novelty and new ideas can therefore technologically and catering wise create a very good experience for the customer(Vallini, 2007). References Arrigo, E. (2012). Alliances, Open Innovation and Outside-in Management. Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (1). Brondoni, S. (2015). Product Design Management and Global Competition. Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (1). Ciampi, F. (2007). Management Consulting and Knowledge Creation. Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (1). Corniani, M. (2002). Demand Bubble Management. Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (1). Gallagher, S. (2001). Addressing larger issues. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 32(10), 9. Gennari, F. (2010). Management Control in Global Mass Market Retailers. Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (1). Narayan Biswal, B. (2016). Ethical Issues in School Educational Management. IIE, 4(1), 29-36. Nava, R. (2007). Evolution of Management Consulting in Italy. Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (1). Negri Clementi, A. (2007). Management Consulting Boutiques and Global Markets. Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (1). Panetti, M. (2007). Emerging Issues in Global Management Consulting. The Roland Berger Case. Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (1). Sciarelli, M. (2008). Resource-Based Theory and Market-Driven Management. Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (2). Vallini, C. (2007). Ethics in Management Consulting. Symphonya. Emerging Issues In Management, (1).

Monday, December 2, 2019

Media Effects On Governing The Mass Media Has Played A Major Role In A

Media Effects on Governing The mass media has played a major role in American politics since the formation of our country. So much so that it has been called by many, the fourth branch of government. Originally, media power was only vested in the papers, but today radio and television are the more prominent forms of news. Since the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presidents have used the media to spread their views to their constituents. FDR brought us the fireside chats in one of which he requested the American people to put their money back into the banks and get our economy moving again. The media informed the nation of Richard Nixon's less then honorable means of governing and the media brought the Vietnam war to our living rooms every evening. There are even those who believe that the media chooses our presidents by deciding whether to air the good or bad things they dig up on the presidential candidates. There are two major ways the mass media effects the public. T hese are agenda setting and priming. Agenda setting is the way the media dictates the salience of contemporary issues. An experiment performed by Iyengar et al in 1980 showed that media does effect how important an issue is to the public. In this experiment, Iyengar showed three different groups news clippings weighted on the side of specific issues, then showed a fourth control group undoctored news. He tested these subjects before and after the showings and found that in all but one issue, the subjects had moved in the hypothesized direction. This last issue was inflation and he concluded that people just could not think this issue was more important then they already did. Agenda setting effect is important to the government, especially the president, because it leads to priming. Priming is the use of salient issues by the public to evaluate a public figure. When is comes to voting on a president, priming is second only to partisanship in importance. If you recall the 1992 electio n in which Bill Clinton ran against an incumbent George Bush, priming played a major role. Bush had been a popular president especially when it came to his role in the Persian Gulf War. His ratings were high throughout his presidency. When Clinton threw his hat into the ring, he began his campaign by successfully shifting the arena back to domestic affairs. One of his campaign slogans was, It's the Economy Stupid. This made Americans start evaluating Bush on his domestic stance. The economy had not been where most Americans wanted it and as a result Clinton was elected president. With the media playing such a pinnacle role in politics, it is no wonder that Presidents allocate so much of their time and resources in that direction. All presidents set up an office of press secretary. This person is a direct liaison between the media and the president. As such, the press secretary needs to be looked at as an honorable person with direct access to the president. In addition, presidents d o what they can to have the press cover humanity stories, i.e. baby kissing. Just after the Monica Lewinsky scandal, in order to appear in a more favorable light, Clinton took a romantic weekend with his wife and made sure not to keep this a secret. While the President does what he can to lead the media in a more favorable direction, he is less successful at taking the helm as the press is. Nine times out of ten, when a story hits the headlines, it results in a presidential response to a media decision and not the other way around. Clinton has always been an advocate of stricter gun control laws, but not until the Columbine High School incident in Colorado was he even slightly effective at directing public opinion on the matter. However, when an issue is of substantial importance to the president, he does have a tool in which to attempt to build salience. He can go public. This is when the president appears on prime time television to educate the people on a subject. However, there are many factors involved for this to be a successful endeavor. First